søndag 6. juni 2010

Why Darkthrone RULES!

Ho. Lee. Shit. Darkthrone fucking RULES! Just listen to their new album "Circle The Wagons" and you will know why. These guys practically invented True Norwegian Black metal back in the day, and today they are better and badder then ever. No motherfucking kidding either! If you don't agree with that - you can basically just go fist yourself up the ass cause you are one sad, fartsniffing geek loser!

Anyway, lets get back on track here. I gotta say those Darkthrone guys are pretty darn impressive. They have something very special that is so extremely rare, even unique, in the world of music. That special something is called: INTEGRITY. If they wanted Darkthrone could have played the large arenas and toured with the biggest bands in metal. They could have gone on talkshows on TV and been "celebrities" - if they had wanted to this type of crap. Oh no, leave that kind of bullshit for retard bands like Dimmu Borgir and Satyricon (poofs) instead! Thankfully, the fine dudes of Darkthrone have more evil shit on their agenda!

Instead of strutting around like cross-eyed idiots trying to be "rockstars", the Darkthrone bois just care about making some really brutal Black Metal albums. They do a pretty good job of it too - and for that we salute them. While its true that we hate almost everyone, we sure do give credit where credit is due. All hail Darkthrone!

Favorite song from the new album: "I am the working class"

PS: It has to be said also that Fenriz of Darkthrone is a pretty fucking funny guy. If you can read Norwegian, then check out this interview with him in Dagsavisen:


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